Elements Of A Good Design
Attractive Color Combinations
Color is an important element in Web page development. A poor choice of color may ruin the whole Web page’s design. The text color must contrast well with the background color. Never put light-colored text on a light background or put dark-colored text on a dark background. Otherwise, the user would not be able to read the text.
Readable Fonts
There are several attributes that we can be added to text: bold, italic, underline, and blink. Among the four, bold is the most commonly used in that it puts emphasis on the text and therefore, makes the text stand out. Sometimes, blink is also used to make the text stand out. This is not recommended by most Web developers unless the blinking text is less than two words (Flanders and Willis, 1996). This is because a blinking text will become very difficult to read as it gets longer. However, blinking is often used to indicate an error or warning.
Very simple principle: If a web-site isn’t able to meet users’ expectations, then designer failed to get his job done properly and the company loses money. The higher is the cognitive load and the less intuitive is the navigation, the more willing are users to leave the web-site and search for alternatives.
Keep It Simple and Use White Space
Users are rarely on a site to enjoy the design In most cases they are looking for the information despite the design. Strive for simplicity instead of complexity. And don’t be afraid of using white spaces in between.
Do Not Try To Add Everything On A Single Page –
Do not enter too much information on a single page. Users get confuse. For a better layout use sub menu, sub pages, tabs or drop down.